Flame on Testnet
Flame is the EVM for Celestia Native DeFi. The information below is specifically for Flame running on the Astria dawn-1
EVM Information
Property | Value |
Network Name | dawn-1 |
Chain ID | 16604737732183 |
RPC URL | https://rpc.flame.dawn-1.astria.org |
Flame EVM Block Explorer | https://explorer.flame.dawn-1.astria.org |
Native sequencer Asset | transfer/channel-0/utia |
Currency Symbol | TIA |
Auctioneer RPC URL | https://tob.flame.dawn-1.astria.org |
Adding to Metamask
Follow Metamask's official documentation to manually add a custom network.
Your settings should be the following:
Property | Value |
Network Name | dawn-1 |
New RPC URL | https://rpc.flame.dawn-1.astria.org |
Chain ID | 16604737732183 |
Currency symbol | TIA |
Block Explorer | https://explorer.flame.dawn-1.astria.org |
The top-of-block is valuable in a financial environment because it provides an execution guarantee. Flame uses a trusted top-of-block sequencing rule to designate a trusted operator to conduct a sealed-bid, first-price auction for top-of-block execution, and submit the result for sequencing. The sequencing rule ensures the signed auction result is executed first, provided it is included in the block and signed by the trusted auctioneer.
Auctioneer RPC URL: https://tob.flame.dawn-1.astria.org
Flame’s Auctioneer runs a first price auction for a bundle, restricted to a slot.
Bundles/bids submitted to the Auctioneer are simulated against the latest block to calculate the bid paid to the Auctioneer.
The current version of the trusted auctioneer supports eth_sendTransaction
for submission. Bids are calculated from the tip paid by the transaction as follows:
totalFee = tx.Gas * min(tx.GasTipCap, tx.GasFeeCap - tx.baseFee)
To submit a bid to the auction using cast
, set up your env vars:
export ETH_RPC_URL=https://tob.flame.dawn-1.astria.org
export DEST_ADDR=<destination-address>
export PRIV_KEY=<your-private-key>
export BID=<your-bid-value>
Submit your bid:
cast send $DEST_ADDR \
--value 10000000000000000000 \
--gas-price $BID \
--private-key $PRIV_KEY
Bid Submission Demo
Bids are submitted to the auctioneer using the eth_sendTransaction
JSON RPC method. See the tool below, which provides an example for a bot that receives an optimistic block, waits a given amount of time, and submits a bid to the auction.
Celestia Mocha (IBC)
Property | Value |
Supported Asset | TIA |
mocha -> dawn | channel-160 |
dawn -> mocha | channel-0 |
Astria Sequencer TIA Bridge Address | astria1lepnry7tlpzvrukp5xej4v5wp532k2f94vxqnr |
Flame TIA Withdrawal Address | 0x77Af806d724699B3644F9CCBFD45CC999CCC3d49 |
Noble Grand (IBC)
Property | Value |
Supported Asset | USDC |
grand -> astria | channel-232 |
astria -> grand | channel-1 |
Astria Sequencer USDC Bridge Address | astria1u6ewl0tejz0df2l6tzc7k2degx6mqsjahldqxd |
Flame USDC Withdrawal Address | 0x6e18cE6Ec3Fc7b8E3EcFca4fA35e25F3f6FA879a |
Uniswap V3
Name | Address |
Descriptor Proxy Address | 0x9A8C4000e213777b6181204FAC55Be7080F7D996 |
Multicall 2 Address | 0x6536Ed5401F595dcFE055Eeb0829C0537eF2d247 |
NFT Position Descriptor Address | 0xb9e8F174Cf4943C8d00744Ef84aD27C5d6162ADB |
NFT Position Manager Address | 0x186C4bFBef4748d78Bc3C7B7628298528BbFEe47 |
Proxy Admin Address | 0x41C71f7db64731367f3ACD47ec53808F8d63FE93 |
Quoter V2 Address | 0xa96ad5AC05cFd6a6c3D4FC4fe95f97262266ea18 |
Swap Router 02 Address | 0x0DA34E6C6361f5B8f5Bdb6276fEE16dD241108c8 |
Tick Lens Address | 0x730bB85De1eC42b77f8C05a27a519772502e9809 |
v3 Core Factory Address | 0xbdb7C721ae69f36A303162E1e1FBC5ec445824E7 |
v3 Migrator Address | 0x349e965F2abf8366F013f1525a9FbCf07a6982ea |
v3 Staker Address | 0x4eb076cf3F6206ba8eb39bCFc54eF6589831415E |
wTIA9 Address | 0xb1ed550217B33fdBeA6aA81b074A2DF8979AfA94 |
Using Cast
Set your ETH_RPC_URL
export ETH_RPC_URL=https://rpc.flame.dawn-1.astria.org
cast balance $REC_ADDR
cast send $REC_ADDR --value 10000000000000000000 --private-key <PRIVATE-KEY>
cast balance $REC_ADDR
Fork Diff
Flame is a fork of go-ethereum. See the fork diff here.