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astria-go Configuration

Config for the astria-go CLI can be broken out into the following catagories:

TUI Config

Once astria-go dev init has been run, a ~/.astria/tui-config.toml file will be created. This config file control the starting settings of the TUI app.

auto_scrollControl if the TUI starts with auto scrolling logs enabled
wrap_linesControl if the TUI starts with word enabled
borderlessControl if the full screen log views start in borderless mode
override_instance_nameOverride the default instance name that the --instance flag defaults to when running astria-go dev commands
cometbft_starts_minimizedControl if the CometBFT process pane starts minimized or not
conductor_starts_minimizedControl if the CometBFT process pane starts minimized or not
composer_starts_minimizedControl if the Composer process pane starts minimized or not
sequencer_starts_minimizedControl if the Sequencer process pane starts minimized or not
generic_starts_minimizedControl if the generic process pane(s) starts minimized or not
highlight_colorOverride the highlight color for focused process panes
border_colorOverride the border color for focused process panes

The default TUI settings are as follows:

auto_scroll = true
wrap_lines = false
borderless = false
override_instance_name = 'default'
cometbft_starts_minimized = false
conductor_starts_minimized = true
composer_starts_minimized = true
sequencer_starts_minimized = false
generic_starts_minimized = false 
highlight_color = "blue"
border_color = "#808080"

The highlight_color and border_color accept both W3C named colors and hexadecimal notation:

highlight_color = "deepskyblue" # names should be all lowercase with no spaces
border_color = "#808080"

Sequencer Networks Config

The ~/.astria/sequencer-networks-config.toml provides presets for interacting with different sequencer networks when using astria-go sequencer commands. Use the --network <network name> flag to simplify your commands.

To add presets for a new network, append to sequencer-networks-config.toml:

sequencer_chain_id = 'new-network'
sequencer_url = '<rpc endpoint for the sequencer>'
asset = '<new asset>'
fee_asset = '<new fee asset>'

Use the new config with:

astria-go sequencer nonce <other args> --network new_network

Sequencer Networks setconfig Commands

The cli also has commands for updating the most common configuration settings:

# Update the asset the sequencer commands will default to
astria-go sequencer setconfig asset

# Update the fee asset the sequencer commands will default to
astria-go sequencer setconfig feeasset

# Update the sequencer chain id the sequencer commands will default to
astria-go sequencer setconfig sequencerchainid

Devrunner Networks Config

The devrunner networks config provides simplified and powerful options for running different Astria services for your own local sequencer network or running services to target a remote sequencer network.

A networks-config.toml exists for each instance managed by the cli, and exists at ~/.astria/<instance>/networks-config.toml. The --network flag is used with the astria-go dev run command to select which network config the devrunner will use.

# Run services against the Astria Dusk dev-net
astria-go dev run --network dusk

NOTE: The network-config.toml overrides the default values in the services base config.

Config Structure

Each network in the toml is defined by three different toml tables:


Each of these tables also contains values to update the settings for your network and the services that are run to create that network.

A filled out example for a local sequencer network is as follows:

sequencer_chain_id = 'sequencer-test-chain-0'
sequencer_grpc = ''
sequencer_rpc = ''
rollup_name = 'astria-test-chain-1'
default_denom = 'ntia'

name = 'cometbft'
version = 'v0.38.8'
download_url = ''
local_path = '<your home directory>/.astria/default/bin/cometbft-v0.38.8'
args = []

name = 'astria-composer'
version = 'v0.8.2'
download_url = ''
local_path = '<your home directory>/.astria/default/bin/astria-composer-v0.8.2'
args = []

name = 'astria-conductor'
version = 'v0.20.0'
download_url = ''
local_path = '<your home directory>/.astria/default/bin/astria-conductor-v0.20.0'
args = []

name = 'astria-sequencer'
version = 'v0.16.0'
download_url = ''
local_path = '<your home directory>/.astria/default/bin/astria-sequencer-v0.16.0'
args = []

A filled out network config for running against the Dusk dev-net is as follows:

sequencer_chain_id = 'astria-dusk-10'
sequencer_grpc = ''
sequencer_rpc = ''
rollup_name = ''
default_denom = 'ntia'

name = 'astria-composer'
version = 'v0.8.1'
download_url = ''
local_path = '<your home directory>/.astria/default/bin/astria-composer-0.8.2'
args = []

name = 'astria-conductor'
version = 'v0.19.0'
download_url = ''
local_path = '<your home directory>/.astria/default/bin/astria-conductor-v0.20.0'
args = []

Dynamic Services

In the previous section, you can see that the local network config has four services defined and the dusk network has two services defined. The devrunner read in the config and spins up a service for each item defined in the [] table.

If you would like to add or remove services you can delete a named service or add a new one:

name = 'new-service-name'
version = '' # update the version
download_url = '' # provide a download to a release if applicable
local_path = '<the local path to your binary>'
args = ["arg1", "arg2"] # args to be passed to the service

If you do provide a download_url, that binary will be downloaded and extracted to the ~/.astria/<instance>/bin directory. This download link is also required to be a .tar.gz download. When extracting the file, it will be renamed as the name-version as specified in the service table in the toml.

If you are pointing to a local binary, you only need to provide the local path without a download url.

Dynamic Networks

Similar to specifying individual services, you can also specify entire networks. An example case for this is if you need to rollback the versions for specific services for some local testing:

sequencer_chain_id = 'rollback-test-chain'
sequencer_grpc = ''
sequencer_rpc = ''
rollup_name = 'astria-test-chain-1'
default_denom = 'ntia'

name = 'cometbft'
version = 'v0.38.6'
download_url = ''
local_path = '<your home directory>/.astria/default/bin/cometbft-v0.38.6'
args = []

name = 'astria-composer'
version = 'v0.7.0'
download_url = ''
local_path = '<your home directory>/.astria/default/bin/astria-composer-v0.7.0'
args = []

name = 'astria-conductor'
version = 'v0.16.0'
download_url = ''
local_path = '<your home directory>/.astria/default/bin/astria-conductor-v0.16.0'
args = []

name = 'astria-sequencer'
version = 'v0.12.0'
download_url = ''
local_path = '<your home directory>/.astria/default/bin/astria-sequencer-v0.12.0'
args = []

You can then have the cli download all of the services specified in the new network that was added by running:

astria-go dev init --log-level info

You will see a log message for this new network:

INFO[0000] --Downloading binaries for network: local-rollback

And then you can run the new network with:

astria-go dev run --network local-rollback

What the Networks Config Doesn't Do

The networks config does not control the genesis of a sequencer network, even if you are only running a local sequencer. It is used for configuring the Astria services interacting with a given sequencer network at runtime. If you are running a local sequencer stack, you need to use the astria-go dev init command with the --local-network-name and --local-default-denom flags to set the sequencer chain id and default denom respectively.

For example, if you initialize your local sequencer stack with the following command:

astria-go dev init \
    --local-network-name test-chain \
    --local-default-denom testdenom

Your local networks config will look like this:

sequencer_chain_id = 'test-chain'
sequencer_grpc = ''
sequencer_rpc = ''
rollup_name = 'astria-test-chain'
default_denom = 'testdenom'

If you then update sequencer_chain_id:

sequencer_chain_id = 'different-chain'

And then run astria-go dev run, your local sequencer will still be started with a chain id of test-chain, but the services run by the astria-go cli will be trying to communicate with a sequencer that has a chain id of different-chain.

To communicate with the correct sequencer, you need to either revert sequencer_chain_id to 'test-chain' or run the following commands to re-initialize your local sequencer to the new chain id:

astria-go dev purge all
astria-go dev init \
    --local-network-name different-chain \
    --local-default-denom testdenom

Network setconfig Commands

The cli also has commands for updating the most common configuration settings:

# Update the fee asset used by the local sequencer network
astria-go dev setconfig feeasset

# Update the native asset used by the local sequencer network
astria-go dev setconfig nativeasset

# Update the rollup name used by the local Conductor and Composer services
astria-go dev setconfig rollupname

# Update the sequencer chain id used by the local sequencer network
astria-go dev setconfig sequencerchainid

Service Config

The full configuration for all Astria services can be found in the ~/.astria/<instance>/config/base-config.toml file. All Astria services are configured using environment variables and the contents of the base-config.toml represent all of the required values. The config file is generated when astria-go dev init is run and then dynamically loaded and parsed at runtime of an astria-go dev run command.

All key value pairs defined in the config toml are parsed in the following way:

astria_composer_sequencer_url = ''

Becomes the env var:


All values loaded from the base-config.toml are then passed to the devrunners that run the services for the CLI TUI.

Because this config is loaded dynamically, you can also add new values of your choosing to the base-config.toml and those values will be added to the environment.

lower_snake_case_var_name = 'value'

Will end up in the service environment as:


NOTE: The network-config.toml overrides the default values in the base-config.toml.

Services setconfig Commands

The cli also has commands for updating the most common configuration settings:

# Update the fee asset used by the local sequencer network
astria-go dev setconfig feeasset

# Update the native asset used by the local sequencer network
astria-go dev setconfig nativeasset

# Update the rollup name used by the local Conductor and Composer services
astria-go dev setconfig rollupname

# Update the sequencer chain id used by the local sequencer network
astria-go dev setconfig sequencerchainid