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Test Transactions

Configure the Testing Script

To run the test transactions script you will need Foundry:

In a new terminal window, clone and configure the evm test transactions repo:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd astria-web3
git checkout local-evm
cd packages/evm-test-data/
forge install
cp .env.example .env

Open the .env file and update the chain id and private key. The chain id should match the "chainId" value in the geth-genesis-local.json file in the astria-geth repo. The private key used here should be the private key for the account you used when setting up Geth previously:

# this value should be the same as what you used for configuring Geth above
CHAIN_ID=<6 digit number>
PRIVATE_KEY=<your evm account private key>

Run the Testing Script

just generate-transactions

You will see the transactions going through in both the forge script and the log windows in the astria-go cli.


The test script sends transactions directly to the local rollup running on your machine. Thus, the transactions will work regardless of whether you are running everything locally with astria-go dev run --network local or if you are running against a remote sequencer with astria-go dev run --network dusk.

Common Issues

EvmError: OutOfFunds

If you see a an OutOfFunds error when running the testing script, this means that your rollup genesis account was not configured correctly. To fix this issue:

  1. Go back to the astria-geth repo.
  2. Run cast w new to create a new rollup account.
  3. Add the new address to the geth-genesis-local.json under "alloc".
  4. Restart your rollup with just clean-restart.
  5. Update the PRIVATE_KEY env var in the test transactions repo with the private key from the new account.
  6. Rerun the testing script.

Test script hangs

If you are running against a remote sequencer and the transactions test script hangs, navigate to the cli TUI and look at the logs for the Composer. You will likely see an error that contains sequencer rejected the transaction ... insufficient funds for asset. This means that the sequencer account that was created was either improperly configure or not funded correctly. To fix this issue:

  1. Stop the astria-go cli.
  2. Create a new sequencer account with astria-go sequencer createaccount or use an existing account if you already have one for testing, and fund the account using the Sequencer Faucet.
  3. Make sure the astria_composer_private_key variable in the ~/.astria/default/config/base-config.toml is set to the private key for your funded sequencer account.
  4. Re-launch the cli with astria-go dev run --network dusk.
  5. Rerun the transactions testing script.

Chain Data Mismatch

If you start seeing warning in Composer that say failed getting latest nonce from sequencer or errors in Conductor that say first latest height from sequencer was bad, this likely means that block data on your rollup and the block data coming from whatever sequencer you are using (either local or remote) are mismatched. To fix this issue:

  1. Stop your rollup and the cli.
  2. Restart the rollup with just clean-restart and restart the cli with the run conditions you were using.

This will clean the data your rollup and allow it to resync.

If issues still persist, you can clean the data for the rollup and the sequencer (if you are running a local sequencer):

  1. Stop your rollup and the cli.
  2. With the cli run astria-go dev clean then astria-go dev init.
  3. Restart the rollup with just clean-restart.
  4. Restart the cli with astria-go dev run.