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Astria Cli Networks Configuration

For each instance created with the astria-go cli, a networks-config.toml file can found in the ~/.astria/<instance>/ directory. This file allows for simplified configurations of different sequencer networks that can be targeted by the cli.

Selecting which network the cli is targeting can be controlled by using the --network flag when using the astria-go dev run command.

Primary Use Case

In general, the default values in the networks config should not need to be changed for most development situations. The most likely case where a user will need to update the configs is if they are trying to test their local components against a different sequencer rpc/grpc.

For example, the default Astria Dusk dev net configuration is as follows:

sequencer_chain_id = 'astria-dusk-7'
sequencer_grpc = ''
sequencer_rpc = ''
rollup_name = ''
default_denom = 'nria'

If you needed to instead test against different endpoints, you would update the values above to suit your needs, the can run the command:

astria-go dev run --network dusk

To have you local components use the dusk configuration you just set.

What the Networks Config Doesn't Do

The networks config does not control the creation of a sequencer network, even if you are only running a local sequencer. It is used for configuring the Astria services interacting with a given sequencer network at runtime. If you are running a local sequencer stack, you need to use the astria-go dev init command with the --local-network-name and --local-default-denom flags to set the sequencer chain id and default denom respectively.

For example, if you initialize your local sequencer stack with the following command:

astria-go dev init \
    --local-network-name test-chain \
    --local-default-denom testdenom

Your local networks config will look like this:

sequencer_chain_id = 'test-chain'
sequencer_grpc = ''
sequencer_rpc = ''
rollup_name = 'astria-test-chain'
default_denom = 'testdenom'

If you then update sequencer_chain_id:

sequencer_chain_id = 'different-chain'

And then run astria-go dev run, your local sequencer will still be started with a chain id of test-chain, but the services run by the astria-go cli will be trying to communicate with a sequencer that has a chain id of different-chain.

To communicate with the correct sequencer, you need to either revert sequencer_chain_id to 'test-chain' or run the following commands to re-initialize your local sequencer to the new chain id:

astria-go dev purge all
astria-go dev init \
    --local-network-name different-chain \
    --local-default-denom testdenom