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This guide will walk you through deploying a rollup full node locally against both local and remote sequencer with the Astria stack using the Astria CLI.

See the code here.

Download the CLI

Using curl

# download the binary for your platform, e.g. macOS silicon
curl -L \
  --output astria-go.tar.gz
# extract the binary
tar -xzvf astria-go.tar.gz
# run the binary and check version
./astria-go version

# you can move the binary to a location in your PATH if you'd like
mv astria-go /usr/local/bin/
astria-go version

Build from Source

This requires Go and just to be installed on your system.

git clone
cd astria-cli-go
just build

# run the cli in the repo directory
just run "version"

# OR you can move the binary to a location in your PATH if you'd like
mv ./bin/astria-go /usr/local/bin/
astria-go version

Setup a Geth Rollup

Requires Go, just, and Foundry:

git clone
cd go-etherium
git checkout local-dev
just build

Create a new genesis account for your Geth rollup:

cast w new

Open the geth-genesis-local.json file in your Geth repo and update the "alloc" account with your new one:

   "alloc": {
        "<you new address>": { "balance": "300000000000000000000" }

You will use the private key for your new account with the test transactions later on.

Run a Local Rollup and a Local Sequencer

Start Geth

In one terminal window, start Geth:

# in go-etherium dir
just init
just run

If you need to restart the rollup, you can use:

# in go-etherium dir
just clean-restart

Start the Local Astria Sequencer

astria-go dev clean
astria-go dev init
astria-go dev run --local

Run a Local Rollup against a Remote Sequencer

Initialize and Start Geth

Once you have built Geth, you will need to update some additional genesis information to work with the remote sequencer. Run the following using the Astira cli:

astria-go dev clean
astria-go dev init
astria-go sequencer blockheight --url=

Then, open the geth-genesis-local.json file and update the chain ID and rollup name to something of your choosing, as well as updating the starting block height for your rollup:

    "config": {
        "chainId": <6 digit number>,
        "astriaRollupName": "<your rollup name>",
        "astriaSequencerInitialHeight": <sequencer block height>,


When starting a new rollup, it is always best to use the most recent height of the remote Sequencer. The Astria Conductor will always start syncing the rollup from the "astriaSequencerInitialHeight" provided. Using older block heights will cause your rollup to sync potentially millions of blocks that have no relevant data for your rollup.

Then initialized and start Geth:

# in go-etherium dir
just clean
just init
just run

If you need to restart the rollup, you can use

# in go-etherium dir
just clean-restart

Setup and run the Local Astria components to communicate with the Remote Sequencer

When running against the remote sequencer, you will also need to create a new sequencer account.

astria-go dev clean
astria-go dev init
astria-go sequencer createaccount

Navigate to the ~/.astria directory. If you have run the commands shown above, you should find a default directory.

Open the /.astria/default/config-remote/.env file and update the following environment variables. Use the same rollup name you used for setting up Geth above, and the private key from the sequencer account you just created.

ASTRIA_COMPOSER_ROLLUPS="<your rollup name>::ws://"
ASTRIA_COMPOSER_PRIVATE_KEY="<sequencer account private key>"

You can then use the Sequencer Faucet to fund the account you just created using the account address.

Use the following command to run the local Astria components against the remote sequencer:

astria-go dev run --remote

Test Transactions

In a new terminal window, clone and configure the evm test transactions repo:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd astria-web3
git checkout local-evm
cd packages/evm-test-data/
forge install
cp .env.example .env

Open the .env and update the chain id and private key. The private key used here should be the private key for the account you used when setting up geth previously:

# this value should be the same as what you used for configuring Geth above
CHAIN_ID=<6 digit number>
PRIVATE_KEY=<your account private key>

Save the file and then run:

just generate-transactions

If everything worked correctly you see the transactions going through in both the forge script and in the conductor and composer windows in the go cli.


These test transactions should work if you are running everything locally with astria-go dev run --local or if you are running against a remote sequencer with astria-go dev run --remote. If test transactions are not going through when running remote, the first thing to check would be the sequencer account you created is funded and configured correctly for use with the Composer.